Hello! It is well known that Windows 11 will arrive at the end of the year. Also, the installation has been a headache for many computer owners. It is well known that the list of requirements left many computers out. However, we have recently learned that non-compatible PCs will be able to use Windows 11, although with the risk of not receiving security updates and new features. On the other hand, we are all familiar with Windows Update. This is the traditional method of receiving updates in Windows. But lately, it will incorporate an interesting new feature. Windows Update will let you know if your computer is compatible with Windows 11
Windows Update will notify you if you can upgrade to Windows 11
Let’s be clear. Surely you want to know if your PC will be compatible with Windows 11. In that case, you can resort to the official tool. Or you can resort to third-party solutions like WhyNotWin11. We tell you about both methods here. In addition, Microsoft has the ability to identify devices with hardware or software compatibility problems. But along with this, Microsoft has added an interesting new feature. Which has come out of the Windows Insider Preview channel. And it is that Windows Update will show a notice indicating that the computer is ready for Windows 11.

In addition to the warning, the tool warns that the pc meets the minimum requirements to install Windows 11. Also, the time of installation may vary. Besides warning that some functions of Windows 10 will not work with Windows 11. For now, this notice is limited to insider program users. However, it is expected that in the future it will be deployed to regular Windows 10 users. Great news that Windows Update will let you know if your computer is compatible with Windows 11. Every day we are getting closer to the arrival of Windows 11. In addition, we will undoubtedly know more news about it. See you soon!