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Windows prevents websites from stealing your passwords.

Hello! Internet security is a crucial issue. Indeed, users are becoming more and more aware of this fact. Therefore, they are more concerned about their files and what they do on the network. Obviously, password management is part of this concern. We certainly use it for just about everything. Now, this improves with the system itself. Stay to know that now Windows prevents websites from stealing your passwords.

Windows protects you from vulnerabilities

Unfortunately, we are constantly exposed to viruses and malware. These usually have the dark intention of getting hold of our personal or banking data for unlawful purposes. Certainly, there is hardly a week in which we don’t hear of a new threat to our privacy. Consequently, Windows intends to protect us as much as possible with our passwords and their theft from websites. On the other hand, this has always been a big problem when using a computer. We are referring to the theft of passwords by entering them in insecure applications or websites.

Now, Windows 11 with its new update tries to warn users when they are going to enter their password where we should not. An update that makes to improve the productivity, that the computer is a simple and safe product to use, to connect, to create and to play, besides introducing improvements in the workplace.

Increased security thanks to a new update

When surfing the net, we can suffer many types of attacks. Especially when using the different platforms and tools available to us. Cybercriminals can have very different objectives. However, the most frequent is usually the theft of passwords. That is why they carry out different techniques through which they can steal our passwords. Consequently, the Windows system is put on high alert. This, in particular, is a function that alerts us when your passwords may be at risk.

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It is able to detect suspicious websites that ask you for credentials. It also warns you that it may not be very smart to share this information with an unsafe source. However, the most interesting new feature is its system of alerts in case of danger of password leakage. See how we will show you below.

Windows will warn you when you are reusing your password too much.

In this way, it will automatically warn us every time the victim types our Windows password on the Internet. Consequently, it will manage to avoid the possible dangers. Actually, using the same password for many websites is not a good idea. In fact, it is enough to filter once and all those profiles are at risk. It is much better to use a password generator. This way you get secure passwords to make life difficult for cybercriminals.

However, if you choose to use a password generator, it is very difficult to learn the complicated codes. For that reason, many people write down these credentials in a separate document. This Windows function warns you when your passwords are present in documents that are not protected. Specifically, Windows prevents websites from stealing your passwords.

You should know that these functions are not activated by default when Windows is upgraded. To do so, simply follow the steps below:

  • Access Windows Settings by pressing the Win+I combination. Once there, click on Privacy & Security. Finally, click on Windows Security.
  • Then select App and Browser Control
  • You will see a large option on the screen that says Reputation-based protection. Please click on the related settings.
  • Finally, activate all switches. Also, check all the boxes.

Very well, in this way, we have seen how Windows prevents websites from stealing your passwords. Bye!

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