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Windows for work: boosting your productivity

Windows 11 is the most recent version of Microsoft’s operating systems. And the truth is that Windows 11 brings some new features that make it a very complete interface. It is true that there are times when some updates do more harm than good. However, in general, it is an excellent option to take into account. In addition, if you know the best tricks for Windows 11 you will be able to get the most out of this version of the operating system of the company based in Redmond. For this reason, we have prepared three perfect tricks to improve your productivity when working. In addition, you will be able to perform them in a very simple way.

Save time by minimizing windows in a simpler way

We begin this compilation with the best tricks to get the most out of Windows 11 with a very curious function. Additionally, it will help you improve your productivity. We are talking about the possibility of hiding windows in a very simple way. It is normal that you have many tabs open (the browser, a window, the calculator…). However, there is a trick to make only the window you are interested in stay open: shake it.

No kidding, you just have to shake the window you want to keep open, and you will see that the rest will be hidden immediately. A very curious function that you can activate by following these steps:

  • First, enter the Windows settings by clicking on the Start button and clicking on the cogwheel.
  • Now, choose the System option.
  • Inside System, click on the option Multitasking.
  • Finally, it looks for and it activates Title bar in windows shaking.

The most used applications, always at hand

Continuing with the best options to improve your productivity while working with Windows 11, we want to show you another option that allows you to save a lot of time. In fact, you will not have to go crazy looking for the apps you use the most in your work. For it, the only thing that you must do is to anchor them in the Start menu of Windows to have them always at hand. To pin an application to the start bar, just follow these steps:

  • First, click on the Start Menu and click on All apps option, located in the upper right area.
  • Now, you will see that a list with all the available applications appears, you only have to right-click on the app you are interested in and click on Pin to Start.
  • You can also open any app and right-click on it to click the Pin option.
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Note that the process is completely reversible. Therefore, if you want to unpin an app for any reason, just right-click on it in the start bar and click on the Unpin option.

Activates the focus assistant

The third trick we want to recommend is to use the Focus assistant included in Windows 11. A tool that you can configure so that you do not receive notifications within a certain period of hours. Or that you only receive the most important notifications.

To access the Windows 11 Focus Assistant settings, all you have to do is open the Start menu and, in the search bar, type “Focus Settings” without the quotation marks. You will see that it comes up as the first option under System. Once inside, you will be able to configure all the options to your liking.


Productivity is key in today’s fast-paced world. Windows 11 offers a variety of features that can help you work more efficiently. From virtual desktops to snap layouts, there are many ways to customize your workspace and streamline your workflow. By taking advantage of these tools and tricks, you can boost your productivity and get more done in less time.

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