9 C
Mel K
LInux Guru and Technical Writer

Top Free Online Plagiarism Checkers

Plagiarism is really academic theft. It is the knowing or more commonly, unknowing passing off of somebody else’s ideas, research, opinions as your own. Well, plagiarism can come in many forms, certainly over the past decade or so, we’ve had a shift from the old style of typing up a book or writing out a book to just cutting and pasting off websites. Now the most common form of plagiarism we find, certainly “wholesale” plagiarism, that there will be the tendency to pull paragraphs out, kind of integrate them a little bit, move some words around and pass that off.

Here are the top free online plagiarism checker tools you can use to check for duplicate content right off the bat.


This is an absolutely free plagiarism checker which will detect any sort plagiarism as long as the information is online. To use the Smallseotools plagiarism checker, first, copy and paste the content into the box indicated on the site. Once you have pasted your content into the box, scroll down, confirm that you’re not a robot and hit the “check for plagiarism button.” The article will be analyzed thoughtfully. You may see some red in your results as common phrases may trigger red flags.


It is a website that students can go to, to kind of check on their writing to make sure its plagiarism free. It is a more advanced version of Grammarly if you have used that before. Basically, what it does is, helps students find out if their paper writings contain plagiarized content before their teacher does. This tool comes in handy for most students.


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Plagiarisma is a free online plagiarism checker tool for writers, essayists, educators, teachers, lecturers, and students. Quetext and Paperrater alternatives. You are only limited to a few searches daily after creating a free account. So use it wisely! You may also consider getting the pro version which allows for unlimited searches every single day.


It is essential to for every website owner to have plagiarism free content as it helps boost your search engine rankings and prohibit the circumstance of your work being discredited. With the use of DupliChecker plagiarism tool, you can find out the uniqueness of the content you publish on your site.


It is a free smart plagiarism disclosure tool. All you need to do is paste in your text and it will be examined based on its verbal frequencies comparing expressions and many other significant components. Your input text is mapped into their internal network where it is compared against the entire internet and other databases. Their algorithm is designed to ignore phrases wrapped in quotations and statistically common phrases in turn to offer a more relevant search for dormant plagiarism in your text. After the procedure terminates, your outcomes will be displayed beneath along with any important sources the tool has found.

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