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How to block folders with Windows firewall

Hello! Maintaining security on the network is essential. In fact, we have several options to achieve it. We can install antivirus, but also a...

Differences between EFS and BitLocker

We tend to think that the files stored on the hard disk are safe. In fact, we think they are protected by the login...

Collects data from users who click on a link.

Every time we surf the Internet, we leave a trace. Especially when logging into a social network or forum. In fact, we can give...

How to find out your Android’s IMEI number

Hello friends, every phone has a unique identification number called IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) It is a fifteen-digit number that can be important to...

How to install and use nmap on Linux

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install and use Nmap on Linux. This tool allows you to scan the ports...

Many devices will not be able to access the Internet as of September 30

Hello! Millions of device users may soon be in for an unpleasant surprise. They will probably not be able to connect to the Internet....

How to open ports in Linux?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to open ports in the Firewall using Linux. This way you will be able to...

Hardening Ubuntu Security with UFW Firewall

Firewall security is the key to manage all critical services. So many seasoned and decent securities are there. But, there is always room...

Immunizes the web browser against spyware

Hello! You have probably heard of threats in the form of viruses. However, you may not know the meaning of the term Spyware. Well,...

Install CSF (Config Server Firewall) on CentOS 8

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install CSF (Config Server Firewall) on CentOS 8 as an alternative to the Firewalld...

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