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Install Yarn on Debian 11

Hello, friends. Installing Yarn on Debian 11 opens the door to NodeJS project management in a fast and efficient way. So, in this post,...

How to install Go Language on Debian 11 / 10?

The world of software development is a complex world. Every day new and better features emerge that force developers to broaden their knowledge. However,...

Install Java on Debian 11

Hello, friends. Old rockers never die and that’s why languages like Java don’t either. Many important tools are created in this language. In this...

How to install NodeJS on Debian 11?

Hello dear friends. NodeJS technology is one of the most used technologies on the internet. Besides this, it is the basis of many interesting...

How to Install Ionic Framework on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Ionic Framework on Ubuntu 20.04. This tool allows you to deploy projects with...

Install Flask on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello, friends. Python application development is at a fairly high point of popularity. This extends to all kinds of applications both web and desktop....

Install Wildfly (JBoss) on Debian 10

Hello, friends. This post will be really useful if you consider yourself a JavaEE developer. In this post, you will learn how to install...

Install Play framework on Debian 10

Hello, friends. Application development leads to the use of many different tools to make the process faster. Some of these tools are more or...

Install Pylint on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello, friends. If you are a Python developer then you should know how to install PyLint on Ubuntu 20.04. This tool adds an extra...

Install Wing Python IDE on Ubuntu 20.04 /18.04

Python is one of the most popular programming languages out there. In fact, many universities already use it as an introductory language in the...

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