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5 things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu is perhaps the most popular distribution of GNU/LINUX, combining aesthetics, stability and above all ease of use. Not for nothing, many more experienced...

How to install Django Framework on CentOS 7?

In a world where the premise is that time is money, you need tools that allow you to develop applications or faster. The Frameworks...

Yakyak: An extraordinary desktop client for Hangouts

We live in the age of information and communication, there are too many ways to communicate instantly with people from other places, largely thanks...

HTOP: How to install it and use it?

If you are a Windows user and are not used to the GNU/LINUX terminal, or if you are starting out in the world of...

5 things to do after installing OpenSuse 15 GNOME

OpenSUSE is one of the world's most popular GNU/LINUX distributions, known as the community version of SUSE Linux Enterprise, an enterprise distribution. Also is...

How to install PrestaShop in Debian 9 and Ubuntu 18.04

In today's world, the Internet is vital for the business world, and it is not possible to conceive that a store that opens its...

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