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How to install MySQL 8 on CentOS 8?

MySQL is perhaps one of the most important database managers in the world. And to the community version to which we are accustomed, has...

How to install Apache Tomcat on CentOS 8?

The applications that are being developed with Java technology are still booming. Although other languages look modern with advanced features like GoLang, it is...

How to install Cockpit on CentOS 8?

Managing a server is not always an easy task. You have to be aware of many processes and services that make life on that...

How to install Docker on CentOS 8?

Docker is a brilliant technology that is becoming more and more common among developers and sysadmins. With it, you can deploy applications in the...

How to install Laravel on CentOS 8?

We recently talked about CakePHP on CentOS 8. It is a pretty good PHP framework and fast in terms of generating the application as...

How to install Yarn on CentOS 8?

The development of web applications is a process that many people don't know and think is something very easy to do. However, those of...

How to install CakePHP on CentOS 8?

Installing and using a PHP framework is a great idea to develop quality web applications. This is because the frameworks have configurations and conventions...

How to install MongoDB on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

CentOS 8 is just out of the oven and we are still celebrating. It is not in vain that it is one of the...

How to enable sudo on CentOS 8?

In our CentOS 8 system, it is necessary to execute commands with user privileges. To do this we have a tool from the GNU...

How to install Slim Framework on Debian 10?

Web development in Debian 10 is quite common. This is due to the robustness of the operating system. Therefore, many developers who seek in...

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