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How to install Apache Maven on Debian 10?

In this post, we will show you how to install Apache Maven on Debian 10. To manage projects done in Java, there is no better...

How to install SQLBuddy on CentOS 8?

Recently, I was telling you about Adminer, an extraordinary front end for MySQL and MariaDB. I was saying that this kind of application can...

Nextcloud using Docker compose

Nextcloud we have talked a lot about because we really like its main utility. And is that having the possibility of deploying a private...

How to install Adminer on Debian 10?

When we develop an application that requires a database management system, it is more comfortable to have a graphical interface for it. Because as...

How to install NTopng on Debian 10?

Analyzing data for information can be a cumbersome task on a computer network. However, it can be easier if we have the necessary tools...

How to install Odoo on Debian 10?

Nowadays, companies need more and more technology to manage their processes. In fact, it is practically unthinkable a company that has an ERP...

How to install MediaWiki on Debian 10?

Nowadays it is quite common to come across projects that have a wiki. This model presents the information in a pleasant way for the...

How to install PHP 7.3 on CentOS 8?

Every application developer must use recent versions of the language. This is because it allows him to take advantage of all the potential of...

Basic use of the firewall on CentOS 8

Let's start with the first thing, what's a firewall? A firewall is a program or hardware device that regulates connections to a computer. This...

How to install SQLite on CentOS 8?

In a system or a computer network, when we read on a database, we think of MySQL. We may even think of PostgreSQL or...

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