31.3 C


Coreos : Your first step to docker and Kubernetes

The Coreos is the best Container operating system, using the Docker technology and that has been programmed to support ware-house scale massive server deployments.CoreOS...

Setting up OpenLdap and phpldapadmin

What? Let me start the post saying that OpenLdap is a yet another Linux service which build on top of the LDAP protocol ( Lightweight...

Using HTTPie on Linux

If you are a sysadmin or you are starting to be a sysadmin, it is normal to use the terminal too much. And you...

Install Samba on CentOS 7 for File Sharing

In our last article, You will learn how to install and configure Samba on CentOS 7 for file sharing between other Linux and Windows...

How to install Nagios Server/Client in openSUSE 15

In this article, we will figure out how to introduce Nagios in openSUSE 15 .Nagios It is a free source application that screens framework,...

Using Wireshark to analyze your network device

I was just telling you about Wireshark. Using Wireshark it is not complicated. This great open source tool for monitoring, analyzing packets sent and...

Enjoy Zoom on Linux

In today’s world, communication is one of the most important parts of our everyday life. Without communicating with our family and friends, colleagues or...

How to install Skype on Archlinux and Manjaro

Skype still one of the most used chat tool on the world and can be installed on many devices  like Mac  Linux  Windows  and...

How to install Jenkins on OpenSUSE 15 / SUSE 15?

If we talk about Linux servers, the first thing we'll think about is Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS. However, more and more companies are relying...

Best Strategy Games for Linux

Are you on Windows? Linux? iOS or Android? The fact is, all of us just simply can’t deny the attraction of games. Of course,...

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