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Linux Mint 19 is about to RELEASE! (RELEASED)

Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distros all over the world. It is super simple and user-friendly and the user interface...

Microsoft Edge Bug – Exploiting Personal Info Made Easy

A developer from Google discovered a brand new type of bug in the Edge browser that allows malicious activity without any notification of the...

How to install GLPI on CentOS 7?

We are in the era of process automation with the aim of minimizing costs and maximizing the efficiency with which they are carried out. In...

5 things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu is perhaps the most popular distribution of GNU/LINUX, combining aesthetics, stability and above all ease of use. Not for nothing, many more experienced...

5 things to do after installing OpenSuse 15 GNOME

OpenSUSE is one of the world's most popular GNU/LINUX distributions, known as the community version of SUSE Linux Enterprise, an enterprise distribution. Also is...

75% of The Open Redis Servers are compromised

The vast majority of all the open Redis servers that are left open without any authentication system to protect already harbor malware. The report...

TreasureHunter PoS Malware Source Code Published!

Malware is always our worst possible enemy and Point-of-sale is definitely a painful one of them. There are several other malware of the same...

Firefox 60 – New Great Features!

Firefox is always on the list of our favorite web browsers, right? Developed and maintained by Mozilla, this awesome web browser has got the...

SynAttack Ransomware Now Using Process Doppelgänging

Ransomware is one of the most heinous pieces of software floating in the cyber world. They attack a computer, encrypts its files and asks...

Microsoft Meltdown Patch Fatal Flaw – Work Ongoing

Meltdown and Spectre were the biggest inventions of the security flaws to date. They simply shook the world of cyber security to the roots....

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