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The best free web apps

Hello! Web browsers have certainly evolved. Today they are very powerful. Moreover, they are not limited only to offer web browsing. They now take...

8 Best Screen Recording Software In 2022

Are you finding difficulties in screen recordings? Now you might think you need an advanced software or tech expert to get your work done,...

Best Educational Linux Distros in 2022

What even is a Linux Distro? Linux is an open-source operating system that is compatible with all sorts of devices - from smartphones to supercomputers....

Interesting uses for a USB flash drive.

Hello! Surely you are more than familiar with the different cloud services to store everything we want. Indeed, you can save almost everything. From...

This is the difference between terminal, console, shell and command line.

Hello! working in text mode, Manage from the command line, Open the console. All of them are expressions that refer to similar concepts and...

How to remove viruses without installing anything

Hello! There are many security threats that can affect devices. These can be a computer or a cell phone. Indeed, There are many types...

Best websites to create secure passwords.

Hello! You have often heard how important it is to change your passwords regularly. Not only that, but you also have to be careful...

Check if someone is using your PC without permission

Windows certainly offers several features related to privacy and security regarding access to the system. However, there may be cases in which other users...

The 5 most dangerous types of malware.

One of the areas of most concern to users is everything related to privacy and security on their computers. One of the reasons for...

How to check the integrity of files with the hash.

How is it possible to easily know if the file I am receiving is legitimate? Is it possible to know if it has been...

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