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How to enable hardware acceleration in Windows 10.

Hello! We all know that a new, or newly formatted computer runs very well. However, as time goes by, this changes. Indeed, it is...

How to know the maximum speed of network adapters in Windows 10.

Today we will learn how to know the maximum speed of the network adapters in Windows 10. Similarly, we will measure the capacity of...

How to prevent unnecessary services from running in Windows 10

Hello! Windows 10 is very complex and complete software. Therefore, it is able to adapt to the needs of most users. Consequently, today we...

The new Windows 10 update improves gaming performance.

Hello! Microsoft has been trying to solve problems with running video games. Therefore, Patch Tuesday updates have tried to resolve it. However, certain issues...

How to change the design of the Windows 10 Taskbar icons

I have previously told you that I love to customize my system. Likewise, many users like to change the look of Windows 10. Also,...

Windows 10 21H1 reaches almost 30% of user share

Hello! Windows 10 has been with us since 2015. Moreover, it has been continuously updated. That is, with a Rolling Release model. Likewise, each...

How to remove the $WINDOWS.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders from Windows 10

Hello! Surely you have come across the folders $WINDOWS.~BT and $Windows.~WS. Especially if you have enabled the option to view hidden files. Indeed, they...

Direct Storage is coming to both Windows 11 and Windows 10

Hello! Let's be honest. Surely you are dying to try Windows 11. Besides, as the days go by, we find out more and more...

How to find the control panel in Windows 10

Hello! If you have been using Windows for a while, then you probably know the control panel. Indeed, it is part of the classic...

You have 10 days to return to Windows 10.

Let's face it! Windows 11 is all the rage. Indeed, since Microsoft's official announcement, we haven't stopped talking about it. Which is only logical....

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