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Windows 7 is obsolete, switch to Linux!

Microsoft's support for Windows 7 has ended, so it's obsolete. This means that you will not receive any more security updates and gradually third...

A new threat is attacking Windows without being detected.

Hello, how are you? Security is a fundamental concern for all users of an operating system. In fact, this aspect has been strongly criticized...

Install and use PuTTY on Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 10

If you work with SSH connections from windows it is likely that you have installed PuTTY. Well, there is also a version available for...

How to install Plesk Obsidian on Windows Server 2019

Hello! Plesk is the world's most popular control panel for hosting servers. It is one of the tools most used by programmers and web...

How to enable the file server in Windows Server 2019

Hello, in this opportunity, we are going to talk a little about Windows Server 2019. Specifically about the file server and how to enable...

How to enable PING in Windows Server 2019

Hello, how are you? In this post, we are going to talk a little about PING. Packet Internet Groper, abbreviated as PING, is a...

How to enable SSH in Windows Server 2019

Hey, what's up? This time we're going to talk about enabling SSH on Windows Server 2019. In the previous post, we have talked about...

How to enable Telnet on Windows Server 2016/2019

Hello, Today we are going to talk about Telnet. This is a network protocol that allows us to access another machine to operate it...

How to install cURL in Windows.

Hello, how are you? Today we are going to talk about cURL. This is a library of functions to connect to servers to work...

How to install Yii PHP framework on Debian 10?

We know that web development occupies a lot of place in today's world. In fact, more and more business applications are made with web...

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