14.5 C


How to know which version of Windows is installed on the PC

Hello! It is well known that Windows 10 is the most widely used operating system worldwide. On the other hand, most of the time,...

Microsoft is working on Windows 11 SE

Hello! Windows 11 has arrived and has revolutionized the technological world. However, Microsoft is not standing still. Although there is no official word, it...

Free utilities to manage Windows

Hi! We always think of applications to use every time we install Windows. Indeed, they are tools that will make your work easier. The...

How to prevent Windows Attacks with SimpleWall

Having a firewall in Windows is a must. In fact, Microsoft implemented it for the first time in Windows XP. Certainly, it was a...

How to manage Windows with NirLauncher

Hello! We have recently shown you some utilities to manage Windows. Specifically NirSoft and SysInternals. As you can see, they are very useful tools....

SysInternals utilities for Windows administration

Windows SysInternals is a website that hosts a set of small software tools. In its early days, they were known as NTinternals. In addition,...

What OS is best for Data Science and Machine Learning? Linux or Windows?

So, you are a fresh data scientist and dipping your toes on machine learning libraries like tensor flow or PyTorch. You are full of...

How to test applications securely in Windows

Hello! There are many applications available for Windows. Therefore, there is always curiosity to try them out. On the other hand, you may be...

Skip Windows 11 installation requirements with Rufus

Hi! Rufus is one of the most popular tools for creating USB bootable media. Indeed, it is usually my personal choice. As it is...

How to install Windows 11 on unsupported computers

Hello! Windows 11 has finally been released. We have previously told you about the minimum installation requirements. Certainly, some of them related to RAM...

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