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How to list installed programs in Windows 10

Hello! Today we will learn how to list the programs installed in Windows 10. Accordingly, we will use Windows Management Instrumentation or WMIC. This...

How to enable NTFS file compression in Windows 10

New Technology File System is a registry file system developed and patented by Microsoft. Moreover, it has been present since Windows Windows NT 3.1....

How to pause Windows 10 updates

Hello! Operating system upgrades are usually beneficial. Indeed, they can sometimes be problematic in Windows 10. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to pause these...

How to change the default sounds in Windows 10

Hi! I mentioned earlier that I really like to customize Windows. Indeed, this system has been characterized by its rigid graphical appearance. However, recently...

The latest Windows 10 patch fixes many bugs

Some Windows security updates were affected by problems during the month of March. In fact, at the beginning of the month, it was reported...

Windows 10 could implement a folder dedicated to third-party drivers.

System32 is one of the most important folders in Windows. As well as program files. The latter is where the installed third-party applications are...

What is the MSRT tool in Windows 10?

Microsoft has been working to strengthen security. For this reason, it has incorporated different measures for this purpose. Such as MSRT, an antimalware program...

How to take a screenshot in Windows 10

Hello! Surely more than once you have needed to take a screenshot. Either for leisure or for work needs. Therefore, you have probably resorted...

How to use the new Windows 10 folder icons

Hello! Little by little the renovations that Windows 10 Sun Valley will bring has been revealed. We are talking about the next major update...

Windows 10 will assign the taskbar its own DLL file.

Hello! Explorer.exe is the explorer process of Windows 10. It is also the process in charge of managing the explorer and desktop. Indeed, it...

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