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5 things to do after installing OpenSuse 15 GNOME

OpenSUSE is one of the world's most popular GNU/LINUX distributions, known as the community version of SUSE Linux Enterprise, an enterprise distribution. Also is...

75% of The Open Redis Servers are compromised

The vast majority of all the open Redis servers that are left open without any authentication system to protect already harbor malware. The report...

Change User Agent on cURL

cURL is a really useful tool for Linux users. This tool can easily download all the files from the internet over lots of supported...

How to install Arc Theme for Thunderbird (Linux)

In the case of every Linux user, Thunderbird is obviously a familiar software. It’s an email client that is available for free and accessible...

Firefox 60 – New Great Features!

Firefox is always on the list of our favorite web browsers, right? Developed and maintained by Mozilla, this awesome web browser has got the...

Best Git Clients for Linux

Those who are using Linux in their everyday life had to use Git at least once. In the Linux community, GitHub is one of...

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – Better Than Ever!

Ubuntu has always been one of the leading OS in the world. It’s also the most popular Linux for its user-friendly functions and ultra-power....

How to Download Torrents on Linux

Torrent is a kind of downloading technique that makes the file available all over the internet very fast. In fact, it’s one of the...

The Best KDE Plasma Widgets

KDE Plasma is one of the most favorite desktop environments of the entire Linux community. It offers really polished and catchy graphical interface with...

How to Back up Steam Games

Steam is one of the best places to find out all the popular and awesome games of the world. It allows downloading & updating...

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