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How to install Virtualbox Addition for Ubuntu 18 / Mint 19 and Debian 9

This article was not expected to be published today, i was  writinh something else for debian , i had some issues to see the...

Check HDD Health on Linux

HDD is (currently, used to be) one of the most crucial parts of a computer. It works as the BULK data storage. With the...

Bypass Hardware Disk Encryption on SSD Drives

Hardware protection is one of the most important parts of today’s computing. It ensures the utmost security on the system, leaving the least possible...

The 5 Best Hardware Info Tool on Linux

On Linux, learning about your system hardware can be tough sometimes. Don’t worry; there are a number of available tools to get you a...

Here is Codeblocks IDE. A simple IDE for C++/ Fortran

If you are a C++ developer and you use Linux, then this tutorial is for you, because I will introduce you Codeblocks an open...

Tiger – Rootkit Checker for Linux

There’s a really popular myth going all around that Linux is not vulnerable to the virus. The claim is true to a certain extent....

Overclock Your AMD Processor

AMD is one of the finest processor vendors in the market that offer very good value for the price you pay. Today, AMD offers...

Play 0 A.D. on Linux

On any system, having one or two games is a must, right? Everyone loves games and I bet that so do you. Well then,...

Disable Account Consistency on Chrome

but resource-hungry. However, thanks to today’s popularity of high-end systems, that’s not too much of an issue. Recently, Google released the current latest version...

Best Drop-down Terminals for Linux

In the community of Linux, the drop-down terminals are very popular. Those terminals allow you to tap a key and enter any command you...

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