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The Linux cat command

Friends today I am going to teach you about the Linux cat command. This command is quite simple to learn but quite useful in...

The Linux head command

Hi, folks. We're still exploring the terminal and this time we're going to focus on the Linux head command. So let's go for it. If...

The Linux tail command

Hey, buddy. This time we will explain in detail the Linux tail command. Quite used by many sysadmin. One of the most feared tools for...

The wget command

Downloading files from the Internet is something quite common and normal in the daily use of a computer. People who use their computer in...

Synchronous data Using rsync Command in Linux

Introduction Rsync, remote synchronize is known as a remote synchronization function of the software, it synchronizes files at the same time, can maintain the original...

The Linux systemctl command

In many of our tutorials we have to manage services but what are these services? How are they handled? Well, basically they can be...

Use tar command to archive/compress files/folders in Linux

tar is a Linux utility. It is stand for tape archive. tar command is use to collect many files/directories into one archive file, often...

du command to Check file/folder disk usage in Linux

Linux du (Disk Usage) is a Unix/Linux command. It used to check disk usage of files and directories on Linux system. There are many...

Move and Rename file/folder with mv command

mv (move) is a Unix command that moves one or more files or directories from one place to another. It is also used to...

how to use Linux head and tail commands

What is Head Command? head is a program on Unix and Unix-like operating systems used to display the beginning of a text file or piped...

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