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Improve your Linux Laptop’s Battery Life

For any portable device, the battery life is something really important. It’s more important for laptops and that you’ll carry with yourself for a...

Franz: WhatsApp, Gmail, Telegram and more in a single application

I honestly prefer to use Telegram than WhatsApp because it offers me many options. It also uses open protocols and there are many interesting...

How to use Tcpdump packet analyzer

FromWikiperdia definition of this software: tcpdump is a common packet analyzer that runs under the command line. It allows the user to display TCP/IP...

Buttercup, a password manager for Linux

Computer security is not something to be taken lightly. On the contrary, it is good to take measures that favor the protection of our...

How to install Virtualbox Addition for Ubuntu 18 / Mint 19 and Debian 9

This article was not expected to be published today, i was  writinh something else for debian , i had some issues to see the...

Intel Microcode Boot Loader – Protect your Older CPUs from Spectre

The Meltdown and Spectre were some of the most devastating vulnerabilities found in the history of computers. Their presence was on the hardware level....

Check HDD Health on Linux

HDD is (currently, used to be) one of the most crucial parts of a computer. It works as the BULK data storage. With the...

Bypass Hardware Disk Encryption on SSD Drives

Hardware protection is one of the most important parts of today’s computing. It ensures the utmost security on the system, leaving the least possible...

Here is Codeblocks IDE. A simple IDE for C++/ Fortran

If you are a C++ developer and you use Linux, then this tutorial is for you, because I will introduce you Codeblocks an open...

Overclock Your AMD Processor

AMD is one of the finest processor vendors in the market that offer very good value for the price you pay. Today, AMD offers...

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