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Using Elgg to build a local social networking site

Hello! Today we will continue to study the potential of a local web server. Indeed, perhaps you didn't know that it is possible to...

How to force dark mode in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Hello! The dark mode is sweeping through electronic devices. Indeed, beyond the aesthetic issues, this mode is a relief for our eyes. It also...

How to install Android on a PC with Phoenix OS

Hello! Android is the most widely used mobile operating system in the world. Indeed, this Linux-based system has a large market share. For that...

How To Install R and Rstudio on CentOS 8

Today we are going to learn that how to install R & R Studio on CentOS 8. R is a famous programming language mostly...

How to install GO language on Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04?

The world of software development is a complex world. Every day new and better features emerge that force developers to broaden their range of...

How to install Firebird on Ubuntu 20.04/ 18.04?

Database management systems are sufficient for many kinds of projects. Of course, they abound with MySQL / MariaDB or PostgreSQL popular but there are...

How To Install Pycharm on CentOS 8

PyCharm is an integrated development platform used for the programming purposes for Python language. It's far developed by the JetBrains.Today we are going...

How To Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu 18.04

Today we are going to learn that how to install TeamViewer on our Ubuntu system. Before proceeding towards the installation procedure let's have a...

How To Install Mattermost on CentOS 8 with Nginx

Today we are going to learn that how to install Mattermost on CentOS 8 With Nginx. Mattermost is an Open Source platform where you...

How to install Nim programming language on FreeBSD 12?

We recently installed Nim programming language on Debian 10. Now it is FreeBSD 12's turn. Nowadays, almost everything is done with the help of a...

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