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How to change desktop icons

Today we are going to learn how to change the desktop icons in Windows 10. In addition, the process will also serve to customize...

How to change the size of the desktop icons

Hello! Icons are very important on the computer. Indeed, they allow you to identify and have at your fingertips various elements. For example, programs,...

Backing up your data with Duplicati

When it comes to taking backups, you must be very careful. Choosing the right backup utility can make things easy. Duplicati encrypts data before...

A NTP Server by installing Chrony on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello, friends. In this post, we’ll show you how to set up an NTP server by installing Chrony on Ubuntu 20.04 An NTP server is...

How to install aaPanel on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install aaPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 According to the project website, aaPanel is a Free and...

Setup Zentyal Server Step by Step

Today, we will run how to set up the Zentyal Server step by step. Zentyal is one of the most popular server platforms. ...

What is QoS and how to activate it in the router?

Hello, I have recently had problems with my internet provider. As a result, my connection has been experiencing a lot of problems. So I...

How to install R programming on Ubuntu 20.04 /18.04?

Programming is an elementary part of computer science. It creates applications that solve some daily problems. You can make applications of all kinds and...

Install Minecraft Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello friends. Minecraft is such a popular and versatile game that we can even install our instance. So in this post, you will learn...

The best open source frameworks to create a website.

Hi! There are a couple of essential elements when creating a new website. On the one hand there is the frontend. That is, everything...

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