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How to enable Telnet on Windows Server 2022.

The use of protocols has always been present in the systems. They allow administrators and users to access extra content. Consequently, they improve both...

Windows 10 Sun Valley could include a completely revamped Start Menu

It is well known that Sun Valley is the next major update to Windows 10. In fact, it is likely to be the most...

How to change the default boot system in Windows 10.

You may find the title of this post confusing. In fact, if you have only one operating system installed, then this is not for...

How to install Windows Server 2022 on VMware

Microsoft is preparing the arrival of the new version of Windows Server. Naturally, it will be full of new features and special functions for...

How to install Laragon on Windows 10.

Hi! We have previously discussed options for setting up a web server on Windows 10. Indeed, we discussed alternatives such as XAMP, WampServer and...

Which Windows 10 services can be safely disabled?

Hello! The operating system is the most important software installed on a computer. In fact, Windows 10 includes a great number of services and...

How to install Drupal in Windows 10

Hi! Today we will talk a little bit about Drupal. This is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL. In...

How to install Free Pascal on Windows 10

Hello! Free Pascal is a portable, free and open source Pascal compiler. It is also an alternative to Turbo Pascal and Delphi. It is...

How to install the new Windows 10X File Explorer

In recent publications they talk about the arrival of multiple new features for Windows 10. In fact, the arrival of Windows 10X, a totally...

The last update of Windows 10 could destroy your hard disk.

Hi! Microsoft keeps surprising us with their updates. But this time it does it negatively. Indeed, some users who installed the cumulative update KB4592438...

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