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Install ODrive on Ubuntu 18.04

Google Drive is one of the world's most popular cloud services. Of course, it's from the big G company, however, it has its own...

How to install AngularCLI on Ubuntu 18.04?

At present, the field of web application development is quite competitive. Every day there are more tools that are focused on this area. Of...

How to improve the Firefox scroll Down?

Firefox is a web browser created and maintained by the Mozilla Foundation. Together with Google Chrome, they dominate the web browser market. With each...

How to install Vivaldi on Fedora 30?

Nowadays, there are a lot of web browsers. Most of them are cross-platform which makes them available for Linux. However, in Linux, it seems...

How to install NodeJS on OpenSUSE 15 / OpenSUSE 15.1?

NodeJS is a practically vital tool in web development, but not only for developers. Many sysadmins require it to be running on servers so...

Brave a secure web browser for Linux

Practically our whole life is linked to the internet. From entertainment to leisure and even work. So every time tools are realized to take...

Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04

Linux is a great operating system that is gaining more and more relevance today. That is why many applications that were previously available only...

How to install Roundcube on Ubuntu 18.04?

Mail clients maximize and make even more efficient the use of email services in companies. Many of them add many features that make the...

Kubernetes 1.14 is available

In the technological world, few projects are as well known as Kubernetes. This powerful container orchestrator has been true innovation in the Linux cloud....

Install RainLoop a web-based email client on Ubuntu 18.04

Email plays an important role in companies and on a personal level. Sometimes it is convenient to have a personal email server, but sometimes...

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