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Uninstall any program with IObit Uninstaller

Hello! When using our computer, it is common to install different types of programs and applications that will help us to work every day....

7 uses of a VPN that you may not have known about.

Hello! When thinking about VPN, the first utility that comes to anyone's mind is the possibility of hiding the IP address. It certainly helps...

Best Ways to Slow Down a Video – Desktop & Mobile

Want to use a slow-motion effect in your video for free, but don’t know how? Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. In this...

7 Must-Have Apps and Software for a PC

Just purchased a new computer and want to fill up the empty desktop with truly useful software, but have no time for profound research...

How to play games using the Xiaomi browser

Hello friends! The Xiaomi browser has quite a few tricks with which you will be able to improve your experience significantly. In some aspects,...

Shizuku: What is it and how to install it?

Hello friends! Root Access is not as widely used nowadays as it used to be. But some more advanced apps need more permissions than...

Best Free Music Players for Windows 10 (Part II)

The music player included in Windows is not always to the liking of all users. Especially for the most music lovers. Today, we continue...

Top 9 educational online platforms: how to choose the most suitable one

We have gathered for you the most popular online educational platforms and shared our tips on how to use them. These days, constantly improving your...

The paid version of Microsoft Defender has arrived.

One of the best features that came with the release of Windows 10 was the current Windows Defender. We are talking about a completely...

Best Phones to Buy in 2022

Inarguably, there is very tough competition in the market of smartphones in 2022. With so many great and attractive options out there, it could...

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