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S-Tui is another great tool to monitor Linux

It is always a good idea to have control and information of the system. There are many tools that allow you to do this. Some are very complete and complex, others are more for the common user. With this in mind, is that today I will tell you about S-tui an application to monitor Linux.

S-Tui is a terminal UI for monitoring your computer. s-tui allows monitoring CPU temperature, frequency, power and utilization in a graphical way from the terminal. It is developed in Python which helps to install it in many Linux distributions.

S-Tui shows or does the following:

  • Monitoring your CPU temperature/utilization/frequency/power.
  • Shows performance dips caused by thermal throttling.

It also requires minimal resources and it is possible to run int without an X-server.

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So, let’s monitor Linux.

Install S-Tui to monitor Linux

As I said before, S-Tui is built in Python and is compatible with many Linux distributions. The steps I will do will be executed in Debian 9, but they are perfectly applicable in Ubuntu 18.04 and derivatives.

So, open a terminal and upgrade the system.

:~$ su
:~# apt update && apt upgrade

1.- Upgrade the system
1.- Upgrade the system

With this, the system will have the latest security patches and thus will be more stable. It is advisable to do so.

Next, S-Tui is available through PIP and official repositories. The best option is to do it through PIP because the latest stable version will always be installed. In addition, you have to install stress package.

:~# apt install stress

2.- Install stress package
2.- Install stress package

Next, install python PIP.

:~#  apt install python3-pip

3.- Install python pip
3.- Install python pip

Now, using PIP, install S-Tui.

:~# pip3 install s-tui

4.- Install S-Tui for monitor Linux
4.- Install S-Tui for monitor Linux

And that’s all.

Using S-Tui

S-Tui is a simple application with a focus on the less experienced user. So it is very easy to use.

:~# s-tui

And you will see this.

5.- Using s-tui
5.- Using s-tui

You can also scroll with the arrow keys and access the options.

6.- S-Tui options
6.- S-Tui options

Note: you have to install the sensors to monitor the temperature of CPU. Run: apt install lm-sensors. Next run sensors-detect.

You can also check the options to run the application.

:~# s-tui -h

7.- S-tui help
7.- S-tui help


As you can see, the installation of S-Tui is something that can be achieved in a very simple way. It’s a pretty simple application that pretends to be another alternative to monitor Linux.

Thanks to the fact that it is created in Python, it is possible to install it in many Linux distributions, only with stress as a dependency.

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