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How To Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin

In this blog post, I’ll show you How To Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin In Windows Server 2016 Directory Infrastructure. Active Directory Recycle Bin was...

Deploying printers using Group Policy

Deploying printers via Group Policy lets you manage your printers from a single console and also gives you granular control over which printers to deploy to individual client PCs without needing any additional software.

Install PHP 7.3 on Debian 10

If there is one thing that distinguishes Debian from other distributions, it is stability. However, this stability has a "price" that is to sacrifice...

How to install Jenkins on Debian 10?

Jenkins is a fantastic application that automates application processes on a server. It is written in Java and therefore compatible with many Linux distributions....

Install and Configure Samba on RHEL and Centos 8

Samba is a file sharing software which is sued to shared files between same and different operating systems. Today, You will learn that how...

Install Opera Web Browser on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04

Linux is a great operating system that is gaining more and more relevance today. That is why many applications that were previously available only...

5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu is together with Linux Mint the two most popular Linux distributions in the world. That has to be said. They have obtained it...

How to find Your Oracle Weblogic Version

There is many ways to find weblogic version installed on your system, exactly there is 3 ways to find tour Oracle Weblogic Version. lets...

Install MyCLI to improve the SQL typing

If we are using MySQL or MariaDB it is because we know the commands and the sentences. However, many times, despite knowing them, we...

Migrate word-press site to Ghost instances

As the name of the main subject of the post says this is about deploying a equivalent Ghost instance for a site that have...

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