16 C
Mel K
LInux Guru and Technical Writer

Why oracle database is the best DBMS solution

When it comes to database management software, Oracle database is the top pick for most of the organizations. It has some advanced features and capabilities which makes it popular in DBMS world. Oracle was designed towards business and corporations. Within the software market, it has the leading role as the perfect database solution. In other words, Oracle database has some unique features that made it the best DBMS solution. Let’s see, why Oracle is the best among all other database management systems.

  • Functionality: Oracle provides the combination of high-level security and integrated business solutions. As it fits perfectly with the needs of businesses and corporations, they are the most common users of Oracle database. Today, Oracle dominates the companies and banking industries. Top ten banks use Oracle to access and manage their data. Oracle is the best solution for corporations who have an enormous amount of data to handle and access.


  • Portability: Oracle is the best choice as a portable DBMS solution. It supports more than 100 hardware platforms and 20 networking protocols. You can also develop a completely featured Oracle application on any operating system without even knowing the underlying layers of that system. Oracle has the most user-friendly and easy to use features which is usable to any platform. Meteorically, this features makes Oracle the best portable database solution.


  • Quick recovery: If your system fails due to any technical issues, Oracle offers the quickest online backup and recovery features. So, you can undo or recover the existing database from the server, when your system is back online. You can also set a point-in-time recovery. Because Oracle supports continues backup and recovery from a pre-defined server storage.


  • Speed and Performance: When you are managing a large database, speed and performance is everything for you. It doesn’t matter, how big is the database, Oracle provides the best speed to access the database. With the highest level of performance. The performance of Oracle is not only “raw” but includes the locking and transaction controls. Which also ensures the high-level security of your database system.
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  • Multiple Database Support: Oracle uses two-phase commit protocol to manage multiple databases within same transactions. With multiple database support, you can move data from nodes to nodes from where it was stored. As well as mirroring the data within the same network. It is one of  Oracle’s unique features that allows you to update more than one data with a single request.


  • Reliability: When it comes to handling complex tasks, Oracle delivers the best performance. It uses the ACID test to ensure the integrity of data to determine whether it passed by Oracle databases or not. A reliable storage will store the data from a database, that’s the main purpose of using DBMS. Using ACID test, Oracle ensures the top level reliability of your system. As well as, delivers high integrity of data storage.


  • Other advantages of Oracle database: Oracle offers the main four properties, that all database must have, as:
    • consistency,
    • isolation,
    • atomicity and
    • durability.

These four features ensure the capability of a database management system. Oracle database is well developed with all these properties. Thus, provides a reliable and complete database system.

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