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Meet Unigram, a great Telegram client for Windows 10.

Hello! You are probably a smartphone user. Indeed, these devices have a large market penetration. Well, it is likely that you use an instant messaging app. WhatsApp is undoubtedly the king of this segment. On the other hand, being acquired by Facebook, it has changed its privacy policies. Therefore, they have announced new measures that involve sharing user data with Facebook and other companies. This has provoked complaints from users. So many have migrated to other alternatives, such as Telegram. So much so, that WhatsApp has delayed the implementation of these changes. In the following lines we will tell you more about Unigram, a great Telegram client for Windows 10.

Telegram is an excellent  mobile messaging application.

Telegram is an app with multiple advantages. For example, it is not necessary to link its use to a phone number. In addition, the app has a web version and a dedicated app for Windows. You can use the same account on multiple devices at the same time. It is also cross-platform, so it can be used on almost any operating system. It is also very fast, secure and has many extra features than WhatsApp.

Moreover, Telegram has been on the market for more than 8 years. As mentioned above, it has its own client for Windows. But today we will talk about Unigram, an open source client exclusively for Windows 10.

Unigram is a very good Telegram for Windows and continues to improve.

Unigram is based on TDLib (Telegram Database Library). Therefore, the developer can add the latest features quickly. On the other hand, this app is developed exclusively for Windows 10. So it integrates seamlessly with the operating system. And with a balanced RAM consumption. On the other hand, the app is available in the Microsoft Store.

Unigram available from the Microsoft Store.
Unigram available from the Microsoft Store.
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After downloading the app, simply synchronize it from your mobile phone. To do this, you can read a QR code or use the phone number.

Starting up Unigram.
Starting up Unigram.

This tool is faster and more efficient than the official application. Besides, it has a fantastic and clean design based on Fluent Design. Likewise, the animations are of great quality. On the other hand, it has a complete customization section. There you can switch between light and dark themes, change the chat background, the text size, the icon pack and much more.

Customizing the look and feel of Telegram from Unigram
Customizing the look and feel of Telegram from Unigram

This project has been growing and its developer is very committed. In addition, the community on GitHub always makes contributions. Unigram provides video calls, animated stickers, secret chats, multi-account support, channels and much more. Okay, we’ve seen everything about Unigram, a great Telegram client for Windows 10. Bye!

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