Monitoring a computer is always necessary to verify its operation. Especially if we are talking about a computer connected to an internal network. So, installing a tool with some computer tasks is always a good idea. Therefore, in this post, I will show you how to install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10.
Webmin is a web-based interface for managing UNIX systems. It has a new web interface where you can modify and manage several things on the computer. For example, user accounts, UNIX groups, DNS, and others.
In addition, you will have no license problems with Webmin because it is released under the GPL3 license, which guarantees that you can use it, modify it, and install it as you want.
So, let’s install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10.
Installing Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10
Before starting the installation, it is necessary to update the system completely.
So open a terminal session and run the following:
:~$ sudo apt update :~$ sudo apt upgrade
In case you do not have access to sudo on Debian 10, you can use our tutorial and enable it.
How to enable sudo on Debian 10?
At the end of the upgrade, the system will have security patches that increase the stability of the system.
So, Webmin provides a repository so that the application can be made using APT. This is the most recommended method to install Webmin on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10.
First, install some necessary packages.
:~$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https gnupg
Then, edit your APT font list to add the Webmin repository.
:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
At the end of the file add this line.
:~$ deb sarge contrib
Then download and add the GPG key from the repository. This further secures the webmin download.
:~$ wget :~$ sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
After that, refresh the APT source and install Webmin.
:~$ sudo apt install webmin
Webmin uses port 10000 to run. So make sure that port is available on the server.
Now you can acess using your web browser. Just go to https://your-server:10000
Just type your system credentials. And you will see the dashboard.
Also, you can enable the Night mode.
So, you can now use it.
Webmin is one of those applications that can be easy to install but help to know the system information quickly and accurately. It has a special package for Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10 which makes it easier to install.
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