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Guru Unix /Linux and GNU supporter

Install Terminus on Linux

If you’re a Linux user, you already are familiar with the awesome (scary, maybe?) tool – the terminal. This is the core of the entire Linux system that allows you tremendous power to do lots of things on your system. This can make things more complicated, but for experienced and advanced users and devs, the terminal is the sweet honey. However, for making terminal less scary and more enjoyable, there are several terminal emulators for Linux.

Today, we’ll be checking out the awesome Terminus terminal emulator on our Linux system.

Why Terminus

There are many reasons why you should like this awesome terminal emulator. First of all, it looks cooler and obviously, better the default terminal in the Linux system. You obviously don’t want to get lost in the middle of a complex CLI work – things can turn into something really nasty.

Second of all, Terminus is developed using the Electron – an awesome that allows building software with web tech, giving more flexibility and more versatility in terms of stability and compatibility with all the platforms. Terminus is available on all the major Linux distros as well.

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Without further ado, let’s enjoy the terminal emulator.

Downloading Terminus

Terminus is available for a number of Linux distros. Choose the one according to your distro.

For example, the DEB package is for Debian/Ubuntu, RPM package is for Fedora/openSUSE. For Arch Linux, run the following commands:

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/terminus.git
cd terminus
makepkg -si

This download is applicable for all Linux distros that weren’t present in the list.

Installing Terminus

  • Debian/Ubuntu
sudo dpkg -i terminus_1.0.0-alpha.47_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f
  • OpenSUSE/Fedora users
# Fedora
sudo dnf install terminus-1.0.0-alpha.47.rpm

# OpenSUSE
sudo zypper install terminus-1.0.0-alpha.47.rpm

If you’ve chosen following the universal method, run these commands:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvzf terminus-1.0.0-alpha.47.rpm
mv terminus-1.0.0-alpha.47 ~/terminus
cd ~/terminus

# Create desktop shortcut
touch ~/Desktop/terminus.desktop
sudo chmod +x ~/Desktop/terminus.desktop
sudo nano ~/Desktop/terminus.desktop

# Enter these text inside the file
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A terminal for a modern age

Enjoying Terminus

Double-click the shortcut on your desktop or start the app from your launcher.

Enjoy! There are also other terminal emulators you can try out for making your experience of Linux a lot better.

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