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Install Spotify on Linux

Who doesn’t love music? I LOVE music! In everyone’s life, music always plays an important role. Our brain just can’t resist the attraction of music. That’s why there are so many sources where we can enjoy our favorite song, orchestra etc. to satisfy our ever-thirsty soul. If you’re a human, you’ve heard about Spotify, right? It’s a great platform where you can listen to hundreds of cool, mind-blowing music from anywhere in the world.

Spotify is available as an app for different platforms – PC, smartphones etc. For a music lover, Spotify is a must-have. Are you running on Linux? Then installing Spotify may be a bit difficult. But worry not; we got you covered. Let’s take a look how to install Spotify on your Linux distro.

Install Snap

Snap is a great system that allows apps to be contained within a universal installer. Almost all the major Linux distros have the ability to install and run snaps. Spotify is also available as a snap. In order to install the snap, you have to install the “snapd” service in your distro.

  • Debian, Ubuntu and similar

If your distro is Debian, Ubuntu, or anything based on it, just run the following command in terminal:

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sudo apt install snapd

  • Fedora

Run the commands:

sudo dnf install snapd
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
  • OpenSUSE


sudo zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/system:/snappy/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ snappy
sudo zypper install snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket


sudo zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/system:/snappy/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/ snappy
sudo zypper install snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket

For other supported platforms, you can take help from the official Snap website.

Install Spotify

Run the following command:

sudo snap remove spotify

Voila! Spotify is now available on your Linux distro. You can use the command to start Spotify:

$ spotify

For setting up the auto login with Spotify, run the following command:

spotify --username <your_spotify_email_address> --password '<spotify_password>'

If you ever think of uninstalling Spotify from your system, run this command:

sudo snap remove spotify

Enjoy the music! For your notice, Skype is also available in Linux! Learn how to install Skype on Linux.

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