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Install PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello, friends. In this post, we will help you to install PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04. This tool will make your internet connection more efficient because it is an efficient ad blocker that can be installed on a server and can be exploited.

PiHole is Network-wide Ad Blocking that allows it to be installed on a server so that other devices on the network can use it to improve the internet connection and block abusive advertising.

Some features and advantages of using PiHole are:

  • Easy-to-install: our versatile installer walks you through the process and takes less than ten minutes
  • Resolute: content is blocked in non-browser locations, such as ad-laden mobile apps and smart TVs
  • Responsive: seamlessly speeds up the feel of everyday browsing by caching DNS queries
  • Lightweight: runs smoothly with minimal hardware and software requirements (Min. 2GB free space, 4GB recommended; 512MB RAM)
  • Robust: a command-line interface that is quality assured for interoperability
  • Insightful: a beautiful responsive Web Interface dashboard to view and control your Pi-hole
  • Versatile: can optionally function as a DHCP server, ensuring all your devices are protected automatically

All these features are free of charge which makes it ideal in all circumstances. Excellent news.

Install PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04

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The whole installation process is facilitated by a very complete installation script provided by PiHole developers.

To do this, you need to download it and run it. But first, update the entire distribution

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

And now yes, download and run the PiHole script

curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | sudo bash

The first image you will see will be informing you that your device will be transformed into a network-wide and adblocker.

1.- Installing PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04
1.- Installing PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04

Next, choose the network interface that PiHole will use on your server.

2.- Interface option
2.- Interface option

After that, set the DNS server you will use. You can choose one from the list or one of your own.

3.- Select your DNS provider
3.- Select your DNS provider

Now, select the third-party blocklists you will use. You can always add more later.

4.- Block list
4.- Block list

Next, define which protocols will be used by PiHole in this case both IPv4 and IPv6.

5. Select the IP protocols
5. Select the IP protocols

Now you will see a summary with the basic information about your network.

6.- Static IP address screen
6.- Static IP address screen

After that, you will be asked if you want to enable the web interface. This is recommended.

7.- Enabling the web interface
7.- Enabling the web interface

Choose the FTL privacy mode.

8.- Privacy mode for FTL
8.- Privacy mode for FTL

Next, you will see a screen informing you that the installation has been successful.

9.-Installtion complete
9.-Installation complete

Also, in the terminal, you will see this information but also the default password to access the web interface.

10.- PiHole installed
10.- PiHole installed

When you access, you will see the following screen

11.- PiHole interface
11.- PiHole interface

But some options are missing, so in the terminal, change the default password

pihole -a -p
[sudo] password for angelo: 
Enter New Password (Blank for no password): 
Confirm Password: 
  [✓] New password set

And then, from the web interface, login with the new password of your system user, and now yes, all the options are available.

12.-PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04
12.-PiHole on Ubuntu 20.04

Enjoy it


Thanks to PiHole we will be able to have a more stable and efficient network on the Internet. That is why it is increasingly used by sysadmin to control and manage their networks and make them free of advertising.

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