Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world. Even on a par with Apache. We already know that it stands out for its speed and ability to handle large requests. Now, I’ll show you how to install Nginx on Fedora 34.
Fedora 34 is a distribution sponsored by RHEL which makes it inherit several of its security policies. Of course Fedora 34 is oriented to the average Linux user, so no major security policies are required. However, it is one of the most secure Linux distributions out there. So it is very common to see that there are Linux developers who choose it for their web projects. This is where Nginx becomes almost indispensable.
About Nginx we have talked a lot on our website, however, I will briefly explain that it is an open source web server. Its main advantage over Apache is that it is very lightweight and response times to large requests are very low. That is, it is ideal if you are going to handle a lot of simulated connections. Or yes, the web application is complex and requires many requests to the server. In any case, we are in the presence of a fantastic web server. So, let us get Nginx on Fedora 34.
Install Nginx on Fedora 34
First of all, you need to know the name of the particular package. To do this, we’ll use dnf to get it. So, open a terminal and run:
:~$ sudo dnf search nginx

As you can see in the image, there are several packages related to nginx
in the Fedora 34 repositories. However, we need to install the nginx
:~$ sudo dnf install nginx

After confirm the process, the download and installation will begin.
Then, when the installation is finished, we must start the Nginx service in order for it to work. To do this, type the following command:
:~$ sudo systemctl start nginx
Also, if you want nginx to start with the system, run this command:
:~$ sudo systemctl enable nginx
Next, open your favorite web browser and go to http://localhost and you will see this.

So, that is it.
Installing Nginx is very simple but it is good to keep it in mind especially if you are new to this Linux distribution. Nginx is very powerful and makes many websites agile to the many requests made to it.
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