Today, many companies do not rely on the most popular cloud hosting services. This is due to the sensitivity of the stored data as well as the security scandals of the data. For this reason, it is more and more common to find large or medium-sized companies that prefer to use software that allows the removal of a private cloud. Whether for an intranet or more common for Internet service. That is to say, the administration depends exclusively on the company. Of these programs, Nextcloud stands out. With this in mind, this post will help you install Nextcloud on Debian 10. This way you will be able to use a private cloud yourself.
Nextcloud on Debian 10: a great solution for privates clouds
There are many data storage services in clouds. Technological giants like Apple, Google and Microsoft have them. However, there are people or companies that want to have absolute control of their own data. Nextcloud is there for that.
Nextcloud is an open-source web application that allows us to create our own private cloud. It was created with the primary objective that it is the user who has absolute control of the files.
Many companies install Nextcloud on their servers to create their private clouds. This way they can rely on their own data management. It is even of great help in educational or personal projects.
Today, you will learn how to install it on Debian 10.
Install Nextcloud on Debian 10
1) Install LAMP on Debian 10
Nextcloud is a web application created in PHP. In addition to this, it uses a database manager to round off its operation. That is, the first requirement is to install a LAMP server on Debian 10.
For it, you will not have problems because we have created two tutorials for you.
Read How to install Debian 10 Buster?
How to install LAMP on Debian 10 Buster?
Now, in the PHP section, you have to install the following modules.
php7.3 libapache2-mod-php7.3 php7.3-mysql php7.3-intl php7.3-curl php7.3-json php7.3-gd php7.3-xml php7.3-mb php7.3-zip
2) Working with MariaDB
MariaDB is a relational database manager that uses the SQL language. It is one of the most popular that there is and Nextcloud uses it to store data needed for the application.
As a good practice, it is recommended to create a new user dedicated to Nextcloud. Also, create the database you will use. To do this, go to the MariaDB console and type the following commands:
:~$ sudo mysql -u root -p > CREATE DATABASE nextcloud; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextclouduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nextcloudpss'; > FLUSH PRIVILEGES; > exit;
3) Download and install Nextcloud on Debian 10
After meeting the prerequisites, we can start the download of Nextcloud and its subsequent installation. However, first, make sure you have installed wget
and unzip
:~$ sudo apt install wget unzip
Then, download Nextcloud:
:~$ cd /tmp/ :~$ wget -c
Now, you can extract the file. Next, move it to /var/www/html
and set the right permission to the folder.
:~$ unzip :~$ sudo mv nextcloud /var/www/html/ :~$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/ :~$ sudo chmod 755 -R /var/www/html/
The next step is to create a new virtual host for Nextcloud. This will allow the use of some PHP modules as well as being able to invoke it from a DNS name.
:~$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf
And add the following:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/html/nextcloud ServerName <Directory /var/www/html/nextcloud> Options FollowSymlinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/your-domain.com_error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/your-domain.com_access.log combined </VirtualHost>
Replace “your-domain” by yours. Save the changes and close the file.
To enable this new virtual host, run the following commands:
:~$ sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf :~$ sudo a2enmod rewrite :~$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
Now, complete the installation.
4) Install Nextcloud on Debian 10 (II)
So, open your web browser and go to your server. You will see this
On that screen, you can create the administrator account. If you scroll down, you can write the parameters of the database.
Then, the installer will start the installation. After that, you will see the folllowing screens.
So, Nextcloud is running properly. Enjoy it.
Nextcloud is a very useful tool for small and medium businesses that want to create a private cloud quickly and securely. A secure operating system such as Debian 10 Buster is also required.
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Some typo errors :
GRANT ALL PRIVELEGES ON nextcloud.* TO ‘nextclouduser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘nextcloudpss’;
should be
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO ‘nextclouduser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘nextcloudpss’;
sudo chown 755 -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
should be :
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/
And to finish :
This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.2.
You are currently running 7.3.4-2.
So not sure you try it.