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How to install Apache Netbeans on Debian 11?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Apache Netbeans on Debian 11. This is an IDE that is focused on the development of Java applications.

Netbeans is one of the IDEs for Java programming that can be considered mythical. It is a powerful IDE that has everything you may need to make the coding process the best.

With Netbeans, you can easily refactor code, with a range of handy and powerful tools. Although it is recognized for being a Java IDE, it supports other languages. So, Apache NetBeans provides editors, wizards, and templates to help you create applications in Java, PHP, and many other languages.

Also, Apache NetBeans can be installed on all operating systems that support Java, i.e., Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD. Write Once, Run Anywhere applies to NetBeans too. So we have to install Java first.

Install Apache Netbeans on Debian 11

First Step – Install Java on Debian 11

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Netbeans is an application created in Java which makes that the system where we run it, has to have the JRE installed. If we add Java development, then we have to install both the JRE and the JDK.

So, for that, read about how to install Java in Debian 11.

Then we can continue with the tutorial.

Installing Apache Netbeans

After that, we can install it in several ways. The best from my point of view is to download the binaries of the latest stable version from the project website.

This way, the website will redirect you to the nearest mirror and start the download.

1.- Download Apache Netbeans on Debian 11
1.- Download Apache Netbeans on Debian 11

Alternatively, you can do it from the terminal by running

wget https://downloads.apache.org/netbeans/netbeans/12.0/netbeans-12.0-bin.zip

Then unzip the file either via terminal or from the file browser.

In the case of continuing with the terminal, you can decompress it by running

unzip netbeans-12.0-bin.zip

Note: if you do not have the unzip package installed the above command will not work.

2.- Netbeans files
2.- Netbeans files

Then assign execution permissions to the netbeans file.

cd netbeans/bin/
chmod +x netbean.sh

Now run it by double-clicking on the file or from terminal

3.- Netbeans running on Debian 11
3.- Netbeans running on Debian 11

There it will start loading and you will be able to use it. Enjoy it!


Developing quality applications is a process that IDEs help us to facilitate. Netbeans although it is in its low hours is still TOP and compatible with many plugins that add even more to the editor.

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