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How to install MyWebSQL on Debian 10?

Managing a database server with MySQL is not an easy task. Therefore, specialized tools are required to improve the task. In Osradar we are aware of this and we like to talk about this type of tools. Today, we will talk about another one and we will teach you how to install MyWebSQL on Debian 10.

MyWebSQL is an open-source tool to manage data stored in MySQL or MariaDB. However, it is not only limited to them but is compatible with PostgreSQL and SQLite. Therefore, we are in the presence of an essential tool on the client-side.

So, let us install MyWebSQL on Debian 10.

Install MyWebSQL on Debian 10

1) Upgrade your system

The first step is, of course, to update the system. With this, we will be able to have the security patches correctly installed.

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So open a terminal session and run the following:

:~$ sudo apt update
:~$ sudo apt upgrade

That way the system will be a little safer and we will be ready to go.

2) Install LAMP on Debian 10

MyWebSQL is a web application that needs a server to run. So you can deploy a LAMP server for it.

Read, How to install LAMP on Debian 10?

After everything is in place, we can continue.

3) Create a new user on MariaDB

When we use web tools to manage MySQL or MariaDB, it is best to create a new user. And to this new user, give permissions on the rest of the databases and tables.

So let’s go for it:

:~$ sudo mysql -u root -p
> USE mysql;
> CREATE USER 'angelo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Angelo12.,';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'angelo'@'localhost';
> exit;
1.- Creating a new user on MariaDB
1.- Creating a new user on MariaDB

Now we can install MyWebSQL without problems.

4) Installing MyWebSQL on Debian 10

Unfortunately, there is no DEB package for Debian. However, the installation is quite simple. Just download the application files into the Apache folder.

First, download it:

:~$ wget https://newcontinuum.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mywebsql/stable/mywebsql-3.7.zip
2.- Download and install MyWebSQL on Debian 10
2.- Download and install MyWebSQL on Debian 10

Then, we proceed to decompress it in the root folder of Apache.

:~$ sudo unzip mywebsql-3.7.zip -d /var/www/html

In the end, we only need to grant the necessary permissions for the application to run correctly:

:~$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mywebsql/
~$ sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/mywebsql/

That’s enough. Now let’s try it.

Now, open your favorite web browser and go to the following address http://your-server/mywebsql/install.php to verify that everything is in order.

3.- Installing MyWebSQL
3.- Installing MyWebSQL

As everything is in order, you can log in on http://your-server/mywebsql/ and delete the installation file.

:~$ sudo rm /var/www/html/mywebsql/install.php
4.- MyWebSQL login screen
4.- MyWebSQL login screen

Now, type in your MariaDB credentials. And you can start to work.

5.- MyWebSQL on Debian 10
5.- MyWebSQL on Debian 10

So, enjoy it.


Managing a lot of data in MySQL or MariaDB is not so easy to do in a terminal. So these tools are always welcome to help us with the task. Today, you have learned to install MyWebSQL on Debian 10 and as you can see the process is quite simple.

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