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How to install KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04?

Hello, friends in this post, I’ll show you how to install KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 /Ubuntu 20.04.

KumbiaPHP is a simple and light PHP framework under the BSD license, that is, we can use it for our personal projects. The framework is used by many Spanish speaking people because it’s a Latin product. It has a documentation in English, in addition to current communication channels such as mailing lists and IRC.

Some advantages of installing and using KumbiaPHP

Under the premise of shortening development times, KumbiaPHP is a framework with the characteristic of being “Zero Config”. In other words, after you unzip it, you can start working. It’s that simple.

Clearer, more natural codes with fewer errors thanks to Helpers and other patterns to reduce the use of other languages.

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Another very favorable aspect is that the learning curve is very short.

The framework has as its main premises to be easy to learn, simple to use, open source and everything without sacrificing quality and robustness. Supports 4 database handlers such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle, which ensures that you can develop without worrying about the compatibility of your database.

So, let us do it.

Install KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04

Before installing KumbiaPHP, you need to have PHP installed on your computer.

So, open a terminal and run the following:

:~$ sudo apt install php

Then, you should install a database manager such as MySQL, MariaDB or SQLite. So you can start in shape with the development of an application. The choice is all yours.

The next step is to download KumbiaPHP from the project’s website. At the time of writing this post, the latest stable version is 1.1.3 so check first which one it is.

:~$ wget -c https://github.com/KumbiaPHP/KumbiaPHP/archive/v1.1.5.zip
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://codeload.github.com/KumbiaPHP/KumbiaPHP/zip/v1.1.5 [following]
--2021-10-03 23:59:02--  https://codeload.github.com/KumbiaPHP/KumbiaPHP/zip/v1.1.5
Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)...
Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘v1.1.5.zip’

v1.1.5.zip                                    [ <=>                                                                                  ] 327.23K  --.-KB/s    in 0.09s

2021-10-03 23:59:03 (3.38 MB/s) - ‘v1.1.5.zip’ saved [335081]
Download and install KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04
Download and install KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04

Now, decompress it using the unzip command. If you have it, just install it:

:~$ sudo apt install unzip
:~$ unzip v1.1.5.zip

Then, it is convenient to rename the generated folder to a name related to our project. Or simply the name of our project.

:~$ mv KumbiaPHP-1.1.5/ example

Remember that you can replace example with the name of your project.

Now KumbiaPHP allows to serve the project in development mode without the need of having a web server installed. To do so, navigate to the project’s app folder.

:~$ cd ~/example/default/app

And from there, it starts serving the project in development mode.

:~$ bin/phpserver
Serve the project
Serve the project

Now, our project is available from any computer. And all you have to do is open your favorite web browser and check it out.

So, go to http://your-pc:8001 and you will see the following:

KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04
KumbiaPHP on Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04

This indicates that KumbiaPHP is installed and ready to start development.


In conclusion we can say that web development tools are to reduce coding times. KumbiaPHP stands as a solid proposal for personal work and serious projects.

KumbiaPHP is quite easy to install and practically ready for work. While it is true that compared to other frameworks this has some shortcomings, the truth is that it also becomes very comfortable to work and maintain projects with it.

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Some links to learn more about KumbiaPHP

English Documentation

GitHub Site

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