Hello, friends. We’ve talked a lot about Jitsi Meet and how great it is. But we’ve yet to talk about a desktop client for it. So, in this post, you’ll learn how to install Jitsi Meet Desktop on Debian 11 and we’ll describe some ways to do it.
What is Jitsi Meet
Jitsi Meet is a free tool for making group video calls with numerous participants and many options to perform. In Jitsi Meet there is no limit to the number of participants, although the server will set a limit.
One of the most important features of Jitsi Meet is that it is OpenSource so we can access the source code and we can implement it with tools such as Docker.
Now, the user community has created a Jitsi Meet Desktop client with which we can connect to an instance from the desktop.
Jisti Meet Desktop Client
So we have a Desktop application for Jitsi Meet built with Electron. Like the Jitsi Meet technology, it is open source and has the following features.
- Works with any Jitsi deployment.
- Unlimited users: There are no artificial restrictions on the number of users or conference participants. Server power and bandwidth are the only limiting factors.
- No account is needed.
- Lock-protected rooms: Control the access to your conferences with a password.
- Encrypted by default.
This way, you can integrate Jitsi Meet into the desktop of your favorite distribution.
Install Jitsi Meet Desktop Client on Debian 11
The support of this application for Linux is very good and especially for Debian 11. So we have several installation methods.
Jitsi Meet Desktop Client using the DEB package
In the Github profile of the application, we can download a DEB package that will be useful for our system.
To download it and install it, you can open the terminal and run
wget https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases/latest/download/jitsi-meet-amd64.deb sudo apt install ./jitsi-meet-amd64.deb
At the end of the process, you will be able to run it from the main menu of the distribution.
Getting Jitsi Meet desktop client with Flatpak
This method is a bit more cumbersome, but it guarantees integration with the system, and will not fail due to any dependencies. In short, we can install the application using Flatpak technology.
So, if you don’t have Flatpak you can install it by running
sudo apt install flatpak
After that, you need to add the Flathub repository where the application is hosted.
sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
Then, you can install it as follows
sudo flatpak install flathub org.jitsi.jitsi-meet
When the installation is finished you can run it from the main menu or by executing this command
flatpak run org.jitsi.jitsi-meet
Then, you will see the main screen.
A desktop client is always good news to speed up the work from an operating system. That’s why we have to thank the work of community in creating these applications and making them work on almost all Linux operating systems.