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Install Inkscape on Linux

For vector graphics designing, there are lots of known software like Adobe Illustrator. However, when we talk about Linux, there’s not so much tools available. Here comes Inkscape for all those graphics designers. It’s just like any other professional vector graphics designer that’s able to provide the cutting-edge performance and quality with full-featured editing environment.

Today, let’s take a look at installing Inkscape on Linux.

  • Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distros for its user-friendly setup and working method. If you’re running Ubuntu, you can enjoy the software directly from Ubuntu’s repository. Just run this command:

sudo apt install inkscape
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However, the software in the Ubuntu’s repository can be a little older than the absolute latest release. For enjoying the latest features with the latest edition, you have to add an additional PPA into your system. Run these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inkscape.dev/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Then, run the previous command for successfully installing Inkscape on your system.

For uninstalling the software, run this command:

sudo apt remove inkscape
  • Debian

If you’re a Debian user, Inkscape is already in the Debian repository. Run this command for installing the latest “stable” version.

sudo apt-get install inkscape

As you already know the working system of Debian, the software repository is hardly keeping pace with the progression of software. If you want to enjoy the latest version, scroll down and follow the instructions under “Universal” section.

  • OpenSUSE

For installing Inkscape on OpenSUSE, run this command in the terminal:

sudo zypper in inkscape

For uninstalling, use this command line:

sudo zypper rm inkscape
  • Fedora

Run this command for installing Inkscape:

sudo dnf install inkscape

Run this command for uninstalling Inkscape:

sudo dnf remove inkscape
  • Arch Linux

Arch Linux is always a bleeding-edge Linux distro as everything in the repository always stays up-to-date. First, sync Pacman for downloading the latest database of available updates and patches.

sudo pacman -Syyuu

Then, install Inkscape by running this command:

sudo pacman -S inkscape

If you don’t need Inkscape anymore, feel free to uninstall it with the following command:

sudo pacman -R inkscape
  • Universal

Inkscape is also available as a “snap” – a universal packaging of the software that can be run on any version of Linux given that the Snap core is installed in the system. Snap also makes managing software a lot easier. At first, you have to make sure that your system has Snap core installed. Follow the official tutorial of Snap here.

Inkscape is also available as a Flatpak package. This is also another solution like Snap. You have to install Flatpak core first.

Then, these commands for installing the snap/Flatpak version of Inkscape in your system. Don’t worry; there’s no difference with the software features. It’s just a packaging difference.

# Snap installation
sudo snap install inkscape

# Flatpak installation
sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
sudo flatpak install flathub org.inkscape.Inkscape

Using Inkscape

When you open Inkscape first, here’s what you’ll get.

Now, enjoy all your editing and creativity with this super awesome vector editor.

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