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How to install GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8 ?

As we already know, the Linux family of operating systems based on Network Hat Enterprise Linux is quite popular on servers. In this sense, there are numerous applications that facilitate the administration of companies or organizations. One of them is the GLPI that allows to control all the flow of equipment technological. In addition, it incorporates a ticket system to report incidence. That is to say, is an application that improves workflow. In this post, you will learn how to install GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8.

GLPI in a few words

The GLPI is an application of French origin that provides an integral management of the
an organization’s computer inventory. But not only is it limited to this, but also
also includes an incidence ticket system.

As expected is open source and is developed with PHP. Therefore, what is required is a web server with Apache or nginx as processors. In addition, to store the data, you need MySQL or MariaDB. As you can see, these are requirements of a server.

Install CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

As it is an application built for web environments, it is necessary to have a fully functional server. To do this, I will choose Nginx as my HTTP server along with with PHP and MariaDB. That is to say a LEMP server.

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Then, the first step is to install a LEMP server on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle. So I invite you to read our about this where we explain you step by step how to do it.

Read How to install LEMP on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8?

Prepare MariaDB to work with GLPI

Now that we have the LEMP server running, it is necessary to create a New user and database for GLPI. This is quite simple but we must enter as root user to the MariaDB console.

:~# mysql –u root –p
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glpidb.* TO 'glpiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'glpipss';
> Exit;

1.- Creating the new database for GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8
1.- Creating the new database for GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

Creating a user dedicated to GLPI other than root is a security measure important.

Download and Install GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux

Now we can download and install the GLPI. To do this, just download it using wget. If you don’t have it installed, you can do it with the following command:

:~# dnf install wget

Then navigate to the tmp folder and download it.

:~# cd /tmp/
:~# wget -c https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/releases/download/9.4.3/glpi-9.4.3.tgz

Next, decompress it and move to the nginx document root:

:~# tar xvf glpi-9.4.3.tgz 
:~# mv glpi /usr/share/nginx/html/

After that, change the permissions on the folder so that it can be runned correctly:

:~# chmod 755 -R /usr/share/nginx/html/
:~# chown nginx:nginx -R /usr/share/nginx/html/

Create a new server block to GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8 (Optional)

Now it is necessary to create a new server block for Glpi. In this case, also we have a tutorial for it.

Read, How to create an Nginx server block on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8?

Then, we will be able to complete the installation.

Install GLPI on CentOS / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8 using the web interface

Now all that’s left is to complete the installation using the web interface. To do this, go to
to your server and you will see the following image:

3.- GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8
3.- GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

Then, choose the language of the installation and accept the license terms.

4.- License terms
4.- License terms

Then, you can either update a previous installation or start a clean one. Choose the install option.

5.- Install GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL / Oracle Linux
5.- Install GLPI on CentOS 8 / RHEL / Oracle Linux

Then, the installer will check the server for any problems.


6.- GLPI requisites
6.- GLPI requisites

Now, you will have to write the MariaDB credentials. Click on the Next option.


7.- MariaDB credentials
7.- MariaDB credentials

Then, if the connection to the database has been successful, you will see the following:

8.- Database initialized
8.- Database initialized

Finally, if everything went well, you will see a message like this:

9.- GLPI is correctly installed
9.- GLPI is correctly installed

To enter the GLPI dashboard use glpi as user and glpi password.

10.- GLPI log in
10.- GLPI log in

This is the main screen of the application.

11.- GLPI dashboard
11.- GLPI dashboard


The Glpi is one of those necessary applications in an organization that wants to have everything a competent computer inventory. In addition to incorporating a reporting system of Incidents, ensures prompt attention to users of systems and equipment of the

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  1. Hi The images for this guide seems to be the wrong ones, unfortunately! Not all of them, but got really confused when I got to “Install GLPI on CentOS / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8 using the web interface” and it asked me to add my credit card

    • You’re right. This was caused by an error in doing some internal work. However, I assure you that if you follow the steps, you will achieve the goal.


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