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How to install Flat-Remix Theme on Any Linux Distribution?

Ubuntu has changed its new default theme for version 18.10. And to tell you the truth, it looks pretty good, but some people don’t like it. However, you can change it for a very good one. Today, I will tell you how to install the Flat-Remix theme.

1.- Flat Remix
1.- Flat Remix

Flat-Remix is a pretty simple icon theme inspired by material design. It can be installed on all Linux distributions that use GNOME as a desktop environment. It is also released under the GPLv3 license, which guarantees that you can modify and reuse it.

In addition, the theme is available in several versions (Main, Dark, Light) as well as an icon theme and for GNOME Shell.

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1.- Flat Remix icons set
2.- Flat Remix icons set

As can been noted, the last stable version of this complete theme is 1.32 which was released a few days ago. In this new version, some bugs have been fixed and some icons have been updated.

Install Flat-Remix Icon set on any Linux Distribution

If you want to install Flat-Remix in any Linux distribution, I have the good news that is quite simple.

In the first place, you have to install git to clone the Git repository of the project. Open a Terminal, and then, type:

:~$ sudo apt install git

3.- Installing git to clone the repositories
3.- Installing git to clone the repositories

Now you can clone the first repository (icon set), to do it, run:

:~$ git clone https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix

4.- Cloning the repository
4.- Cloning the repository

Second, clone the other repository (GTK theme).

:~$ git clone https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix-gtk

The only thing left to do is to create the local folder where the theme will be.

:~$ mkdir -p ~/.icons && mkdir -p ~/.themes

Then, copy the contents of the cloned folder into the new one.

:~$ cp -r flat-remix/Flat-Remix* ~/.icons/ && cp -r flat-remix-gtk/Flat-Remix-GTK* ~/.themes/

5.- Install Flat-Remix theme
5.- Install Flat-Remix theme

Finally, open gnome-tweaks-tool and in the appearance section, choose the new theme.

6.- Choosing flat-remix theme
6.- Choosing a flat-remix theme

Here’s part of the results.

7.- Flat-remix icon theme installed
7.- Flat-remix icon theme installed

12.- Nautilus looks nice with Flat-remix theme
12.- Nautilus looks nice with Flat-remix theme


Linux is destined for its capacity of customization and it is true that more and more the Linux distributions improve in visual aspects. However, excellent themes can always be found to further improve the appearance of the system.

I like to customize my work environment, so soon I’ll bring you another theme to install.

We want to hear from you, do you like flat-remix? did you know it? how did you like it?

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  1. Hello man, The command is badly written
    $ cp -r flat-remix/Flat-Remix* ~/.icons/ && cp -r flat-remix-gtk/Flat-Remix-GTK* ~.themes/

    the correct is this way

    $ cp -r flat-remix/Flat-Remix* ~/.icons/ && cp -r flat-remix-gtk/Flat-Remix-GTK* ~/.themes/

    simbol / in the final /themes


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