Docker is a fairly popular technology in today’s sysadmin. It is logical to think because it means a complete change in the way images and applications are distributed. In addition to all this, you can get the most out of many server-based Linux distributions. Therefore, learning about this technology is vital in the modern world. Therefore, in this post, you will learn how to install Docker on OpenSUSE 15.2 / 15.1. There are several premium versions, but in this case, we will use the community version which is more than enough for many cases.
Install Docker on OpenSUSE
An essential reason for installing a docker is the handling and execution of containers. This brings as a main advantage that we can deploy applications without worrying about the dependencies or the system that runs it.
On the other hand, we will be able to create our own images of our applications and these will be able to be installed in any system with Docker.
OpenSUSE is a community operating system sponsored by SUSE. However, it is quite robust, reliable and secure and that is why it is used on many servers worldwide.
So let’s go for it.
First, open a terminal session and update the system.
:~$ sudo zypper up
This will cause all pending security patches to be installed and it is a good idea to do this before starting any installation.
Fortunately, Docker and Docker-compose are available from the official OpenSUSE repositories. While it is not the latest version, it is a fairly stable version that guarantees us functionality.
So run the following command:
:~$ sudo zypper in docker docker-compose

Accept the installation and then the process will begin.
Testing the installation
Once the installation has been successfully completed, the first thing to do is to start the Docker service.
:~$ sudo systemctl start docker
And then, you can check the status of the service to make sure it’s working properly.
:~$ sudo systemctl status docker

As you can see in the image, the service is running normally.
Also, if you want Docker to run as soon as the system starts, which is highly recommended, use this other command:
:~$ sudo systemctl enable docker
Now we can get a real example, check if Docker is ready for the job or not.
To do this we will use a test image that Docker puts at our disposal. You can execute it with the following command:
:~$ sudo docker run --rm hello-world

As you see in the image above. Docker’s installation has been successful.
To verify the current version of Docker, run the following command:
:~$ sudo docker version
However, if you want to use Docker without root privileges, just use the following command:
:~$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
After that reboot the system and that is it. Docker is ready for the work.
Docker’s technology is a wonder if you work with large-scale servers. Its practicality when depleting applications makes it an alternative to virtual machines. And now you have learned to install it on OpenSUSE 15.2 / OpenSUSE 15.1.
So, you can also learn how to install Docker on other systems.
- If you are using Ubuntu: How to install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04?
- For CentOS 8: How to install Docker on CentOS 8?
- For CentOS 7: How to install Docker CE on CentOS 7?
- If you use Windows: How to install Docker in Windows 10?
- Or, if you are using Debian 10 or Ubuntu 20.04: How to install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10?
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