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How to install and use Atop on OpenSUSE 15.1?

Hi, folks. In this opportunity I’m going to teach you how to install and use Atop on OpenSUSE 15.1. With Atop we will be able to monitor a system in an advanced and fast way.

According to the project’s website, Atop is “an ASCII full-screen performance monitor for Linux that is capable of reporting the activity of all processes”.

Likewise, Atop allows you to monitor in real time the consumption of memory, CPU, swap and other computer resources. And using the netatop kernel module you can monitor networks as well.

So, Atop stands out for being light, fast and presenting an easy to manipulate interface. It also has the following features:

  • Resource consumption by all processes.
  • Utilization of all relevant resources.
  • Permanent logging of resource utilization.
  • Highlight critical resources
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And many more features.

So, let’s install it on OpenSUSE 15.1.

Install and use atop on OpenSUSE 15.1

Atop is located in the OpenSUSE monitoring repository which makes it fairly easy to install. But first we must add the repository.

So open a terminal session and run the following command:

:~$ sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/monitoring/openSUSE_Leap_15.1/ monitoring
1.- Adding the monitoring repository on OpenSUSE 15.1
1.- Adding the monitoring repository on OpenSUSE 15.1

After it is added correctly, it has to be reprioritized so that we don’t have problems installing it.

:~$ sudo zypper mr -p 70 monitoring
2.- Changing the priority of the repository
2.- Changing the priority of the repository

After that, we will have to refresh all OpenSUSE repositories.

:~$ sudo zypper refresh
3.- Importing the GPG key
3.- Importing the GPG key

Remember that the first time you use this repository, it will ask you to accept the GPG key of the repository. To do this, press the a key.

Finally, install atop on OpenSUSE using the following command:

:~$ sudo zypper in atop
4.- Installing atop on OpenSUSE 15.1
4.- Installing atop on OpenSUSE 15.1

Now we can use it.

Basic use of atop on OpenSUSE 15.1

Remember that the application interface is only for the terminal, so to launch it you just need to use the atop command.

:~$ atop

So, this is the default screen.

5.- The default screen of atop
5.- The default screen of atop

As I said before, atop is very easy to use. You only need to type a key to activate its features or its different views. Of course, which are they? Well, by pressing the h key, we will enter the help screen that will show them.

6.- Commands list of atop
6.- Commands list of atop

There you will have everything you can do with atop. Everything very simple, for example, I’m going to try the statistics of memory consumption. To do this I press the m key.

7.- using atop on OpenSUSE 15.1
7.- using atop on OpenSUSE 15.1

So, enjoy it.


To monitor systems there are many different applications, but atop is consolidated as a fast and stable alternative to do it. It is highly recommended to have it at hand in servers and even in a personal computer.

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