Hello! It is well known that Gmail is a daily work tool for many people. Certainly, the service receives new features every year. However, they often go unnoticed by some users. Moreover, Google’s email service has been with us for 16 years now. During all this time, it has evolved a lot. The current version is far from the original version we knew. In addition, with the daily hustle and bustle, it is difficult to keep up with the latest news. For example, Gmail has teamed up with Google Meet to manage video calls. On the other hand, Gmail is practically the gateway to most of the work tools offered by Google. Since from the inbox it is possible to access Google Calendar, the notes application and view the documents saved in Google Drive. Read on to find out how to improve productivity with these Gmail features.
Cancel sending an email
We can all make mistakes. It is likely that the amount of work and haste will cause us to make mistakes. And therefore, we end up sending an email to the wrong person. This can be problematic because of the content of the information shared. The default time is for 5 seconds. In fact, this option is displayed on the screen. But maybe you didn’t know that it is possible to increase this time in the settings. Once inside the settings, please select the General tab. Then click on Undo send. You will see that it is possible to increase the time lapse up to 30 seconds.

Use two emails in one.
Many people have two email accounts. A personal one and a work one. Certainly the apps on the phone or computer will notify you of both emails. However, it is cumbersome to switch between apps. So, the best thing to do is to link both accounts. In this way it is possible to switch between the two accounts. To do so, simply click on the Account image. Then click on Add another account.

Schedule an e-mail sending
Just as you can stop sending an email, you can also schedule it. This is very useful to avoid sending info outside working hours for example. This is very practical to limit the indiscriminate sending of email. It is very easy to use this option. Once you have finished composing the email, do not press Send. Instead, click on the arrow next to it. Then, click on the Schedule Send button.

A table with possible scheduling dates will be displayed immediately. You can use them, or set your own date.

Organize mail with labels
This function is very useful if you work with different projects. It is very productive to manage emails with different labels. In fact, Gmail allows you to assign a different label to each email and thus identify them more quickly. To create a new label, just right-click on the email. Then, scroll down to Label as. Once there, you can use the default labels. Or create a new custom value.

After a tag is created, a link is assigned to all e-mails tagged with that tag. It can be found on the left side of the inbox. It is even possible to change the color of the label from the 3-dot menu. There it is also possible to delete the label or create a new one.
Ultimately, we have seen how to improve productivity with these Gmail features. These tips will undoubtedly improve your overall productivity. See you soon.