Today we are going to learn that how to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to the latest LTS release Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Visit the below guide for more information and interesting features about Ubutnu 20.04 LTS.
Ubuntu 20.04 new features and informations
You can also choose the fresh and new installation of Ubuntu 20.04 but in this article we’ll focus only on how to upgrade from your previous stable LTS release to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Ubuntu 20.04 also called the Focal Fossa have new features which you can only enjoy after installing or upgrading to the latest version. So, let’s begin our installation. Just follow the below steps for easy upgrading.
Step 1: Backup Your System
First of all backup your system so that if you do any mistake you can resolve it again. You can also backup your desired important files leaving all other stuff.
And make sure that the system is able to get the updates and OS upgrades. If you don’t know just navigate to Activities and search for Software & Updates.

Now open it and then navigate to the Updates tab. Don’t forget to check the updates radio boxes and on the bottom select notify me of a new Ubunt version to “For Long-Term support versions”.

Step 2: Update your system
Before going to upgrade update your current system to the latest updates.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Then reboot your system.
sudo reboot
Step 3: Upgrade to the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Now, you can simply start the software updater to begin the upgrade on your system. To do this you can navigate to the activities and search for it or simply run the below command.
sudo update-manager -cd
Wait for it to prompt the upgrade option and when prompted click on the upgrade button. And then you’ll see the welcome screen for new OS update, simply hit on Upgrade button.

Now hold for few minutes to finish fetching the updates and necessary files needed for upgrade.

Then click on the Start Upgrade button to start the upgrade process.

After it wait for upgrade to finish it will take 20-30 minutes depending upon the speed of your Internet.

Then choose weather you want to keep the obsolete packages or remove I recommend you to remove these and then click on restart screen to finish the upgrade.

On the restart you’ll see the new login screen of Ubuntu 20.04. Here login with your previous credentials.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully upgraded to the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version. The below desktop screen is of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

That’s it enjoy the new version Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.