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How to uninstall updates in Windows 10

Windows 10 is known for its constant failures in updates. Because of this, Microsoft created a user program dedicated to improvements. This program is called Windows Insiders. Through Windows Insiders, users can test the updates made by the company. Also, users check the operation of the new features. Of course, before they are released to the market. In this way, the same users check the good or bad functioning of the update. This is to avoid users having to uninstall updates.

Despite the efforts made by Redmon’s people with this strategy, errors persist. In fact, we recently read about Microsoft’s own recommendation to uninstall its latest system update. This last one was due to problems in the functions that the update should improve.

Uninstall updates step by step

However, everything has a solution. The good thing is that updates can be uninstalled. And in this post, we explain how.

First of all, we enter the start menu and press the ‘settings’ button. This button is above the ‘power’ button. You can recognize it by its gear icon. With this tool, we can configure aspects of the system like security and updates.

Press Settings button in the start menu
Press Settings button in the start menu
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A window with different configuration options will then appear. We will refer to the last row. Then, we select the ‘Update and Security’ option.

Click on Update and Security
Click on Update and Security

A window with a sidebar is then displayed. The first box of this is ‘Windows updates’. This section displays available updates. As well as the alternatives to pause or activate them, and advanced options. There is also an update history. We will press this last option.

Enter in Windows Updates
Enter in Windows Updates

Consequently, we found the list of updates recently installed on our system. At the top, we click on the option ‘Uninstall Updates’.

Enter in Windows Updates
Update History

After selecting ‘Uninstall Updates’, you will now be directed to the control panel. There you will see again the list of updates in more detail. Select the update you want to uninstall. Then press the ‘Uninstall’ option.

List of updates in the Control Panel.
List of updates in the Control Panel.

Automatically after selecting ‘Uninstall’ the confirmation window appears. Consequently, press ‘yes’ and that’s it. The uninstallation process of the update starts.

Confirmation to uninstall the update
Confirmation to uninstall the update

You won’t have to worry about a buggy update anymore. In any case, the important thing is to detect the faults in time and prevent them from causing further inconvenience. At least Windows 10 allows you to uninstall updates you don’t want. Whether they work or not. We trust that Microsoft, instead of inviting us to uninstall, will fix the errors in the updates. Meanwhile, I hope this post is useful to you.

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