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How To Subscribe CentOS Server to Katello/Foreman

We’ve previously learn how to sync CentOS 8 repositories on Satellite / Foreman / Katello

All of these steps can be performed on the host you want to register.

Step 1: Add EPEL & Foreman repositories

sudo yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install -y https://yum.theforeman.org/client/2.0/el8/x86_64/foreman-client-release-2.0.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm

Step 2: Install subscription manager

sudo yum -y install subscription-manager
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Now, download and install ca-consumer package to get a copy of the CA certificates from your Katello/Foreman Server.

export katello_fqdn="katello.example.com"
sudo rpm -Uvh http://$[katello_fqdn]/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm

You should be able to resolve katello.example.com host-name in order to work for above command.

Step 3: Register CentOS Server on Katello Server.

You can register your CentOS server by running following command

sudo subscription-manager register --org="YOURORG" \

Note: Replace the inverted commas text to your organization & key details.

Activation key must be created on foreman before running above command.

Step 4: Install katello agent tools

Install the katello-host-tools and katello-agent package which reports errata & package profile info, it does not allow to remotely control clients.

sudo yum -y install katello-host-tools  katello-agent katello-host-tools-tracer

Step 5: Start & enable the katello agent Services.

systemctl start goferd
systemctl enable goferd

Step 6: Update CentOS repositories

Remove or move all of your repositories except redhatrepo which are present in /etc/yum.repos.d/.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo mkdir old
sudo mv CentOS-* epel* katello* old/

Use Katello Dashboard to verify that katello-agent is installed.

Hosts->Content Hosts->

For installing a package navigate to Hosts->Content Hosts->Select Host->Packages

Choose package action as “Package Remove” to perform action to delete.

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