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How to sign in to Google without passwords on your Android phone

Hello friends! Google has decided to introduce a new phone authentication method. Which is more secure than traditional passwords and two-step verification. It’s called Passkeys. Google has decided to make this feature available to its users. To allow you to log into your account with biometric authentication. Such as face or fingerprint, much faster and safer than entering your account password. Logging into Google with your fingerprint has never been easier, it is a more secure and convenient method than a password. In this post, we will show you how to sign in to Google without passwords on your Android phone, using one of the latest features added by Google.

How does Passkeys work?

The name given to this feature can be interpreted as a master key. Which uses the phone’s authentication method to log in without having to remember the password.
After all, passwords can have vulnerabilities no matter how well-designed they are. So Google’s idea is that you can use the same method to unlock your phone. In the same way, you would do it with your account, and make it a simple process. Also, these passcodes are more secure than two-factor authentication and the good news is that sometimes they can’t be revealed as easily as passwords.
The advent of AI has made alphanumeric passwords less and less secret to cybercriminals and, of course, they are a potentially insecure method of unlocking.
The future depends not on more complex passwords, but on moving away from passwords and replacing them with convenient login methods like these. From now on, you will only need your fingerprint to access your account.

How to activate the new Passkey feature

First step

Sign in to your Google account where you want to activate this feature. To create the access keys you must go to the section that Google has created to manage everything related to this feature. To continue you can access it directly by clicking on the following link:

Google Account | Passkeys

Second step

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Then you will have to click on the “Use passkeys” button so that Google will allow you to use this method to log in on the device from which you have just activated it. You can also activate it from your computer, but you must take into account that you will need to have your phone nearby to be able to use this feature.

How to sign in to Google without passwords on your Android phone
How to sign in to Google without passwords on your Android phone

Third step

Finally, you will be notified with a message that you can now use passkeys to log in. Tap the “Done” button to finish.

Tap the "Done" button to finish
Tap the “Done” button to finish

So, the next time you want to sign in to your Google account with this device, you will only need to use the unlock method you use on your phone. Which can be, a fingerprint unlock, facial unlock or even a pattern unlock.


Google has implemented fingerprint unlocking in other parts of Android, such as Google Pay, and the good news is that this type of unlocking method is becoming more and more common. We see it more present in apps mainly in banking apps that need that extra security. Nowadays should be a priority to keep our data out of the hands of cybercriminals. Thanks for reading us. Goodbye!

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