Hi, how do you do? Today we will continue to explore the possibilities of using Windows 10. Specifically, we will continue to explore virtualization. Certainly, Windows 10 has a native application to virtualized systems. As a matter of fact, here at googez.com, we have done a tutorial on how to enable and use Hyper V in Windows 10. However, there are also other options that allow you to virtualize operating systems. VirtualBox is virtualization software for x86/amd64 architectures. Through this application, it is possible to install additional operating systems, known as “guest systems,” into another “host” operating system, each with its own virtual environment. And today I will show you how to install and configure VirtualBox on Windows 10.
Downloading VirtualBox
To download the latest stable version of VirtualBox, we have to go to its official site, and in the Downloads section, go to the Windows hosts section to download the latest version.

Once downloaded the file, we run it to start the installation.

In the box will appear the features to be installed with the required disk space. Similarly, we can select the location of the installation.

Next, we will choose options regarding the direct accesses granted to the program.

A warning sign will indicate that when continuing with the installation, the connection to the network will be reset and therefore we will disconnect from the Internet. A warning sign will indicate that when continuing with the installation, the connection to the network will be reset and therefore we will disconnect from the Internet. As it is a temporary situation, press yes to continue the installation.

Finally, we are ready to install VirtualBox

The installation wizard will start and you just have to wait for it to do its job.

Windows will ask for authorization to install the USB drivers, press yes to continue

Finally, the installation has concluded and only remains to run the program.

Setting a virtual machine on VirtualBox
At the moment of launching the program, a welcome box will jump, from where we are going to configure a virtual machine. With this in mind, press New to open the installation wizard.

In the following box, the initial configurations of the window machine must be placed. As the name we will give it, the folder to use, the type of operating system and which version will be installed. In this particular case, we select as name lubuntu, in type Linux, and in version Ubuntu (64-bit).

Next, we will allocate the amount of ram memory for the virtual machine. As Lubuntu is a very light system, 1024 MB will be enough to run it.

In the following boxes we are going to configure everything related to the hard disk. Select the default option to create a new virtual hard disk.

Choose which type of hard disk wants to install

Next, we choose the storage mode between dynamically allocated and fixed size. Select what you want according to the system.

Finally, it only remains to assign the size of the virtual hard disk.

Setting storage to load an ISO image of the OS to run.
When the configuration of the virtual machine has finished, we will see a dashboard with all the configurations. In order to successfully boot the new machine, we need to click on storage.

Once there, we need to follow the next route: Storage devices>Empty>Optical Drive to choose the location when iso is located

After all, the machine is ready to start. Just press Start in the manager and wait while the process starts. Finally, we can see how Lubuntu is running on Windows 10 through VirtualBox.

In conclusion, I would like to say that VirtualBox is an excellent tool in order to run virtual machines on Windows 10. Please note that it does not have full compatibility with Hyper V, so if you have it already installed, there will be operational problems. For this reason, we recommend uninstalling Hyper V before installing VirtualBox.